Publisher 2019 is a one-time purchase that only gets security and bug fix updates. Even Amazon doesn’t have a listing, though they do have earlier versions of Publisher on offer from third-parties. However we could not find Publisher 2019 on-sale anywhere else. Our long-standing advice is never buy direct from Microsoft because they charge the highest prices. You’ll find Publisher on sale at the US Microsoft Store online only for US$129.99. Publisher 2019 is the latest single purchase version of Publisher available to consumers. We’ll explain where to find Publisher 2019 among all the subscription options Microsoft would like you to buy. It’s hiding and Microsoft definitely doesn’t want people to find it, but it’s there. Retrieved December 30, 2009.There is a stand-alone perpetual licence Publisher 2019. : CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( link) "Microsoft Office 2021 will launch on October 5th". Professional, Professional Plus, Standard (volume licensing), all Office 365 editions Standard, Professional, Professional Plus Small Business, Professional, Ultimate, Professional Plus, Enterprise Small Business, Professional, Professional Plus, Enterprise Professional OEM, Professional Special Edition Small Business Edition, Professional, Premium, Developer Microsoft Publisher 98 (first fully 32-bit) Publisher for Windows 95 (beginning to transition to 32-bit) pub extension, but the two file formats were unrelated and incompatible. The Microsoft Publisher trial version can be used to view. Publisher supports numerous other file formats, including the Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format, which is supported on Windows platforms. Corel Draw X4 features read-only support. LibreOffice has supported Publisher's proprietary file format (.pub) since February 2013. While most Microsoft Office apps adopted ribbons for their user interface starting with Microsoft Office 2007, Publisher retained its toolbars and did not adopt ribbons until Microsoft Office 2010. However, it has a relatively small share of the desktop publishing market, which is dominated by Adobe InDesign and formerly by QuarkXPress. Publisher is included in higher-end editions of Microsoft Office, reflecting Microsoft's emphasis on the application as an easy-to-use and less expensive alternative to the "heavyweights" with a focus on the small-business market, where firms do not have dedicated design professionals available to make marketing materials and other documents.