Well its an Ethernet transformer with a bandwidth that seems a little low to me. I held off for a bit on the Bridge 2 upgrade, but just pulled the trigger on that a bit ago. It breaks shielding, so if you have cable with a continuous shield this will break it, thus potentially breaking a ground loop. Looking at the blurb on the Facebook announcement it seems the big thing is real time audio inputs.

I assume Jussi has modified some of the filters as it sounds better than HQP 3 to my ears.

I have ordered Devolo Powerline units to see if this will overcome distance from wifi router issue and possible dropouts. It drops out from time to time which may be wifi router detail positioning and use of Apple wifi ethernet connection rather than cable for DSD. However I have failed to get the same setup to stream Tidal. I tried various controllers in ios and android but eventually settled in Bubble UPnP because not only for its Tiday support but for in general great features and UI. Even if it is there may be it is not yet enough optimized to run on ios. The android BubbleUPnP Controlpoint app is currently probably the best way of playing music to the bridge I use Asset on a windows pc as my upnp music server.

To answer your question, the BubbleUPnP Server layer that you add on top of your upnp music server allows you to configure the bridge as an OpenHome renderer. There are no guarantees where software progress is concerned, but the Bridge update may well appear soon. But you might want to wait a while because -Paul has made it clear in other posts that they are working very hard on the Bridge update that will provide Roon access. At this point I would: -try to get Tidal working via mconnect or mcontrol should be OK. JRiver will stream to the Bridge but you have to get the setup exactly right there are several settings that all must be correct. Lumin and Linn Kazoo are both very good but need the OpenHome extensions. I find mconnect a bit flaky but it usually works. As wijber said, mconnect or mcontrol is probably your best choice on iPad if you want Tidal.